About Baba West

Leonora Bamford, mother of three, launched parenting website Mybaba.com after the birth of her first child. Ten years on and My Baba has grown into one of the UK’s leading pregnancy, parenting and lifestyle publishers, a platform for mums and mums to be, that offers a wealth of information and professional advice around pregnancy, parenting and beyond.

“Zita has always been my guardian angel. After suffering from an ectopic pregnancy, I went to see her after being told I would never be able to conceive naturally and she took one look at me and said everything would be fine. Fast forward one year and I was standing in her clinic once again, babe in arms, asking her advice on children’s probiotics following my child being on a course of antibiotics. Her answer was, “why don’t we make a really good one?!”. Two years later, we had our multivitamins and multibiotic powder for sale and it’s flying off the shelves! Gut health has always been hugely important to me and like every mother, I just wanted to do the best for my baby. We have been overwhelmed by the success of the product over the past few years and always love listening to the feedback to find out exactly what our customers want. I am really excited to unveil some new additions to our line which include Vitamin D for infants and children, Infant Probiotics and Omega drops for children.
Thank you for all your support. Xx”

Zita West, mother and grandmother, is founder of Zita West Clinic in London’s Marylebone and has helped thousands of couples get pregnant each year both naturally and through IVF. Her speciality is a holistic approach focusing on mind, body and spirit which Zita uses as a practising midwife, acupuncturist and author of 13 books. She has her own range of vitamin supplements to support female and male fertility, as well as pregnancy and regularly appears in the press and on television.

“I first met Leo in her 20s when she came to my clinic, devastated about an ectopic pregnancy. She was in such a panic about never getting pregnant again and although Leo has had a difficult journey along the way, she now has three beautiful children who I love watching grow and thrive.
I have been a midwife for 40 years – I followed in my mother’s footsteps and I grew up surrounded by midwives so have always loved babies and children! We know so much more now about a baby and child’s health, as well as key nutrients that can influence their development. Being able to back this up with science is important to us, so Baba West supplements are something that I have wanted to do for some time. I adore working with Leo; her youth, passion and enthusiasm are inspiring, and building this company, knowing we are going to make a difference to a baby and child’s health is really fulfilling.”